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Ceiling Fan Ceiling Fan Sizes Table

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are a good way to move air in a room. They do not cool the room, but can make you feel cooler from the air movement. In the summer the fan can be set to move air down to feel a breeze. Because of this cooling effect, the air conditioner can be set to a slightly higher temperature to save energy.

In winter, reverse the direction of the fan, moving the air upward. Since warm air rises, the fan moves the warm air away from the ceiling and into the lower part of the room without a person feeling a direct breeze. Ceiling fans work well with fireplaces and wood stoves to help circulate warm air around a room.

Ceiling fans on high setting consume about 100 watts on average (about $0.01 per hour).

 How to Choose a Ceiling Fan

Electrical outlet box is above this cover


Motor Housing

Light Kit

How to Determine Ceiling Fan Size

Ceiling Fan and Light Kit Control Options

There are several ways to control ceiling fans and light kits.

How to Fix a Noisy Ceiling Fan

There are a few causes of noise on a ceiling fan. Here are some simple steps to quiet a noisy fan. After each step, test the fan for noise before going to the next step.

  1. Tighten all of the screws on the fan blades and motor housing (in most cases this will fix the problem)
  2. Apply fan oil to the bearings (except sealed bearings)
  3. If the fan wobbles, balance the fan blades using a balancing kit
  4. For more detailed information see Ceiling Fan Troubleshooting Guide by Del Mar Fans and Lighting

If your Ceiling Fan Wobbles

If your ceiling fan wobbles, it may need to be balanced. This involves putting weights on a blade and testing it for wobble. For detailed information on wobble see How to Balance a Ceiling Fan by Del Mar Fans and Lighting.

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